Chain of Command Campaign AARs

All the game reports and related posts for campaigns using the Chain of Command miniature wargame rules are here. 

Several people have expressed interest in how I record these games for the AARs and so if you would like to know more you can find out in this article - How I write a Chain of Command game report.

Bunker Busting on Nunshigum Ridge is a home-grown campaign that has not yet been published.

Operation Martlet is a pint-sized campaign published by Too Fat Lardies. You can purchase this as a downloadable pdf from the Too Fat Lardies website.

The Ruckzug campaign is a pint-sized campaign published by Too Fat Lardies and appeared in the Lard Magazine 2021. You can purchase this as a downloadable pdf from Lard Magazine 2021

The Many Rivers to Cross campaign is a pint-sized campaign published by Too Fat Lardies and appeared in the Lard Magazine 2018. You can purchase this as a downloadable pdf from Too Fat Lardies.

The Bloody Bucket campaign is a pint-sized campaign published by Too Fat Lardies. You can purchase this as a downloadable pdf from the Too Fat Lardies website.

Last Stand on Opium Hill appears in Issue 101 of Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy magazine. You can purchase this in hard copy or digital format from the Karwansary Publishing website.

Getting ready for 29, Let's Go!
29, Let's Go! Scenario 1 Probe at La Cambe
29, Let's Go! Scenario 2 Delaying Action at Arthenay
29, Let's Go! Scenario 3 Flanking St Germain du Pert
29, Let's Go! Scenario 4 The Radar Station at Cardonville
29, Let's Go! Counterattack at Arthenay
29, Let's Go! The radar station at Cardonville (the second attack)
29, Let's Go! Scenario 5 Home Run at Osmanville

The 29, Let's Go! campaign is a pint-sized campaign published by Too Fat Lardies. You can purchase this as a downloadable pdf from the Too Fat Lardies website.

Gembloux Gap Scenario 1 Palm-off at Perbais
Gembloux Gap (game two) Scenario 1 Palm-off at Perbais
Gembloux Gap (game three) Scenario 1 Palm-off at Perbais
Gembloux Gap (game four) Scenario 1 Palm-off at Perbais
Gembloux Gap (game five) Scenario 1 Palm-off at Perbais
Gembloux Gap (game six) Scenario 2 The Culverts at Noirmont
Gembloux Gap (game seven) Scenario 3 Blitz on Villeroux
Gembloux Gap (game eight) Scenario 4 Get the Guns!
Gembloux Gap (game nine) Counter-attack at Villeroux
Gembloux Gap (game ten) Get the Guns! (again)

The Taking the Gembloux Gap Campaign is a pint-sized campaign published by Too Fat Lardies. You can purchase this as a downloadable pdf from TFL Taking the Gembloux Gap.

Getting Ready for the Westwind Königsberg Campaign
Westwind Scenario 1 Probe at Moditten
Westwind Scenario 2 Flank Attack at the Girls School
Westwind Scenario 2 Flank Attack at the Girls School (round two)
Westwind Scenario 3 Gardening in Metgethen
Westwind Scenario 3 Metgethen - the counter attack
Westwind Scenario 4 Signal Box at Seerappen
Westwind Scenario 5 Outposts at Linderau
Westwind Scenario 6 Finish Line Powayen

The Westwind Königsberg Campaign appears in the Too Fat Lardies Summer Special 2014. You can purchase this as a downloadable pdf from TFL Summer Special 2014.

Malaya 1942 Map 1 Winning the Encounter
Malaya 1942 Map 2 Find the Enemy
Malaya 1942 Map 3 Fix the Enemy
Malaya 1942 Map 3 The Australian Counterattack
Malaya 1942 Map 3 The Japanese Attack Again
Malaya 1942 Map 4 Cut off the Retreat
Malaya 1942 Map 5 Pursue the Remnants
Malaya 1942 Map 6 Securing the Crossing
Malaya 1942 Map 6 Securing the Crossing (round two)
Malaya 1942 Postscript and afterthoughts

The Malaya 1942 campaign appears in the Too Fat Lardies Christmas Special 2015.
You can purchase this as a downloadable pdf from TFL Christmas Special 2015

"Recently, the blog reports about two chaps in New South Wales playing through a 1945 “Road to Bremen” campaign I wrote for Chain of Command have had me on the edge of my seat - to the extent that when I wake up in the morning I find myself checking to see if the next instalment has been played." 
Richard Clarke, Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy May 2018

The Road to Bremen campaign appears in the Too Fat Lardies Christmas Special 2017. You can purchase this as a downloadable pdf from TFL Christmas Special 2017

Storming the Citadel Scenario 3 'Panzer Marsch!' round two
Storming the Citadel Scenario 4 'Hold the Line'
Storming the Citadel Scenario 5 'Escape to Victory'
Storming the Citadel Scenario 6 'Breaking Through'

Storming the Citadel can be purchased as a downloadable pdf from Too Fat Lardies.  
Here's the link to the website.


  1. Loving these aars! Thank you for writing these up. Highly enjoyable. Cannot wait for the next westwind report.

  2. Thats a lot of campaigns under your belt Mark
    cheers John

  3. Impressive body of work!
