


Monday, 30 April 2018

Things that make a blog worthwhile

Over the years I've contributed to several different wargame and modelling forums, often posting blog type reports on games or modelling projects. It seemed the logical next step was to do this on my own blog and so I started this one just over 12 months ago. I'm not sure what my expectations were, or indeed, if I had any at all. I was content to do something that kept a record for myself and shared what I did with the wider community.  I've realised now, it is the response that I get from others that so often makes all the effort worthwhile and keeps me motivated.

Just the other day I was reading the latest issue of Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy.

I tend to enjoy the opinion columns and the product reviews and these are often the articles I go to first.  As the owner of a few sets of Too Fat Lardies rules, I will often gravitate to Rich Clarke's Up Front column, so you can imagine the buzz I got to read his piece about my AARs for The Road to Bremen pint sized campaign for Chain of Command:

It's great to get this sort of feedback and I'd just like to thank all of you out there that have posted responses to the AARs, be it here on the blog or in any of the various forums (fora?) where I post links, be it The Miniatures Page, Lead Adventure Forum, Too Fat Lardies or the Wargamers Forum (a bastard offspring of the sadly defunct The Guild). Thank you, one and all, for your generous comments and the encouragement.


  1. I only discovered your blog a couple months ago. But I immediately decided I needed to go back to the beginning and read every one of your reports. While I finish up my doctorate and prepare to move across the world my supply of gaming opportunities has mostly dwindled to vicariously reading about others'. Yours is among my favourite and is a big reason why I plan to try chain of command when I get back into the swing of things.

    1. Good luck with your studies and the move, hopefully your destination brings you close to some fellow gamers and you won't need to game vicariously!

  2. Your deserve the praise, your AAR are always a great read.
    cheers John

  3. I’ve only been blogging myself for a short while, not yet a year, and had the same realization that the interactions with others really increased the enjoyment of blogging. It is for most people I wager, so now I try to leave comments wherever I go.

    But your CoC AARs are really the best that I have ever read and I’m happy that you got some recognition. 😀

    1. Thanks Stew, I've been admiring the ships on your blog, so should make the effort to post some comments myself!

  4. Congrats! Your CoC AARs really are fantastic; they give a great insight into the rules and especially your thinking and tactical decisions in each game which is always interesting reading. Inspiration for me personally to get playing CoC after putting it off for too many years!

